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Case Studies

  • FastGBSAR


    Based on unique and novel technology, a novel ground monitoring equipment:FastGBSAR,which can be used for monitoring the unstable natural area and endangered man-made structures.

  • FastGBSAR be used for bridge monitoring

    FastGBSAR be used for bridge monitoring

    Haicang bridge is one of the most important oversea bridges .This test is mainly on the bridgeload,every five years.When test the bridge must be non-loaded,otherwise will lead to slight deformation of main cable and tower,thereby affect the data reso

  • FastGBSAR be used for railway fence monitoring

    FastGBSAR be used for railway fence monitoring

    The conventional rail safety monitoring is using various safety monitoring equipment which are distributed along the rail to detecting,calculation,warming those factors which could be affect the rail transportation,thereby ensure the safety of rail